6 Enablers of Business Agility

6 Enablers of Business Agility

By fostering a culture of collaboration and empowerment, where teams are encouraged to share their perspectives and ideas, organizations can tap into the collective intelligence of their workforce, driving creativity and innovation.

Created by:

Karim Harbott

Karim Harbott

Business Agility Expert, Agile Leadership Coach,
Keynote Speaker, Author

Reinventing organisations through business agility and innovation

Unlocking business agility through the 6 Enablers offers a comprehensive framework for organizations to navigate today's rapidly changing landscape with confidence and resilience. By leveraging this approach, organizations can swiftly adapt to market shifts, emerging trends, and evolving customer demands, ensuring they remain competitive and responsive in dynamic environments.

Through a deep understanding of each enabler—leadership, culture, structure, people, governance, and ways of working—organizations gain valuable insights into their operational dynamics, enabling them to make informed decisions and prioritize initiatives effectively.

By fostering a culture of collaboration and empowerment, where teams are encouraged to share their perspectives and ideas, organizations can tap into the collective intelligence of their workforce, driving creativity and innovation.

Driven by Passion

Through this assessment, organizations can identify strengths and areas for improvement, guided by Karim Harbott's expertise to align with their unique goals and challenges. Ultimately, it enables organizations to adapt quickly to market changes, customer needs, and emerging trends, positioning them for long-term success.

Data-Driven Continuous Improvement

By collecting and analyzing data on various agility aspects, the assessment empowers organizations to drive continuous improvement effectively. It enables data-driven decision-making, prioritizing initiatives, optimizing processes, and maintaining a competitive edge in dynamic environments. This approach fosters a culture of learning and adaptation, ensuring organizations remain responsive to changing market conditions and drive innovation.

People-Centric Workplace

Emphasizing a people-centric workplace culture, the assessment evaluates factors like employee engagement, collaboration, and organizational culture. By creating an environment where employees feel valued, motivated, and empowered to contribute their best work, organizations can build high-performing teams and attract top talent effectively.

I thrive on helping to create high-performing, agile organisations which delight customers though continuous innovation.

I am also passionate about helping to create truly people-centric organisations in which people love to work. People deserve to be engaged and fulfilled in their work.

These are the things that get me up each morning.

Karim Harbott

6 Enablers of Business Agility

The 6 Enablers of Business Agility Assessment, developed by Karim Harbott, provides organizations with a structured approach to improving performance, fostering innovation, and prioritizing a people-centric workplace culture.

Sample Questions

Leadership & Management

Mindset: To what extent is there awareness of the need for different leadership in a high-VUCA environment?

Organisational Structure

Organise by Customer Value: To what extent is the organisation designed around the flow of customer value rather than functions?

Organisational Culture

Culture Curation: To what extent are leaders taking ownership of curating a great organisational culture?

Leadership & Management

Leadership Journey: To what extent are leaders willing to invest in their growth towards more agile leadership?

Organisational Culture

Congruence: To what degree are policies to incentivise & reinforce behaviours aligned with our stated values?

Organisational Structure

Networks (Teams-of-Teams): To what degree are we creating an environment for inter-team collaboration and cooperation across organisational boundaries?

People & Engagement

Mission, Purpose & Values: To what degree is there clarity regarding the positive change the organisation seeks to bring about for customers?

Governance & Funding

Funding Products & Services: To what degree are we investing in long-term products and services over temporary projects?

Ways Of Working

Context: To what degree are we using tools, techniques and frameworks that are contextually appropriate?

Top Features

  • Get useful information about how your teams and organization works at different levels, helping you make smart decisions.

  • See how your teams and organization's agility compares to others in your industry, so you can learn from the best.

  • Let your teams share their thoughts on how to make your organization better, giving everyone a say in the process.

Karim Harbott

Karim Harbott

Business Agility Expert, Agile Leadership Coach,
Keynote Speaker, Author

Karim is a global thought-leader in the space of business agility and innovation. He has guided countless organisations through their transformation advising on leadership, strategy, culture and organisational structure. He has also held multiple non-executive directorships. Karim is available for leadership workshops, executive coaching, transformation consultancy, and board work.

Karim is an internationally renowned keynote speaker. He is passionate about inspiring new ways of leading organisations, ways fit for the twenty-first century. Karim regularly speaks at conferences, on expert panels, on podcasts, and at corporate events.

Karim is the author of the best-selling book The 6 Enablers of Business Agility: How to Thrive in an Uncertain World. This is the definitive book of creating high-performing, adaptive, innovative organisations in which the best people love to work.