Agile Culture Code

Agile Culture Code

At the heart of each agile organization are the people - the individuals and teams - and the way they work. This is where agility happens. But how exactly?

Looking at agile organizations through the lens of decades of psychological research, a common denominator in their organizational culture emerges: the Agile Culture Code. The T E C model provides an actionable framework of the nine key elements for agility.

Created by:

Stefanie Puckett

Stefanie Puckett

Real World Leadership

Backed by decades of experience of Diana Larsen and Tricia Broderick, along with numerous colleagues in executive, senior management, and various leadership roles, 4Cs for Learning Leaders is a key aspect of motivation for igniting team performance.

Essential Insights

The 4Cs for Learning Leaders survey focuses on four fundamental behaviors necessary for leaders to analyze and address in fast-paced, complex environments. During volatile uncertain times, creating learning environments becomes essential for leaders.

Creating Co-Intelligence

The survey reveals how your leadership teams reflect on the key behaviors of the 4Cs. Use this understanding as a basis for building skills that enable co-intelligence through collaborative action for themselves and their teams.

The Agile Culture Code

T E C Model - Psychology for Agility

Based on psychological research and agile transformation insights, the Agile Culture Code reveals the underlying nine key elements of agility in organizations. The T E C model provides leaders and teams with a clear and compelling framework that helps to identify blind spots and levers for change.

It is the behavior and interaction of individuals and teams that make agility happen. It is the culture - biggest hurdle and at the same time biggest lever for transformation. A potential that can be activated by organizations, teams, and individuals.

An organization's purpose is to enable people to use their strengths to sense and rapidly adapt to change to add value for customers. Psychology shows how: With Transparency, Empowerment and Collaboration.

Dr. Stefanie Puckett

Sample Questions


People on all levels have access to the information they need to think strategically.


Employees are able to experiment in their job.


It is transparent which competencies and knowledge we have in the organization.


It is communicated what the company is trying to achieve with every initiative.


In the team, we can take strategic decisions autonomously.


We have the flexibility to utilize our strengths and/or talents.


There are measures and feedback loops in place to see what difference implemented changes make.


Employees can act like entrepreneurs in their jobs.


We openly talk about mistakes and failure.

Top Features

  • Measure your culture against the Agile Culture Code and deduct actionable insights.

  • Leverage insights from Psychology to understand the logic behind agile culture, and culture transformation for a way forward.

  • Identify the hidden impediments in your current situation and the levers for change.

  • Gain insights at team, program and organizational levels and benchmark your Way of Working against other organizations in your industry.

Stefanie Puckett

Stefanie Puckett


As a Psychologist, Dr. Puckett accompanies leaders, teams and companies on their journey to realizing their potential since more than fifteen years. She worked in Germany, Switzerland and the US, for several consulting companies, a fortune 500 company, and owned her own business.

Her articles have been published in numerous trade journals and management outlets. Her books, including “The Agile Culture Code” and “Agile Leadership - Leadership Competencies for the Agile Transformation” help leaders, teams and organizations around the globe to utilize psychological insights and eye-opening observations to transform their way of working.

Stefanie founded Psychology4Agility and works as consultant and coach with her clients on leadership, personal and organizational development. She speaks internationally and provides online psychological education for Agile Coaches and change leaders.

Dr. Puckett can be reached here.